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Educational program in the cross-border region of Slovakia and Austria


If you missed the educational program SEED-Hub (SK/AT) for social entrepreneurs and social innovators, download it now:

The SEED-Hub educational program is tailored for social entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs, and employees of public institutions. The program consists of 5 modules.

Strengthening the entrepreneurial sustainability of social enterprises in the border regions of Slovakia and Austria

Have a look at the result of annual mapping of impact businesses in Slovakia and Austria and their analysis:

In the SEED-Hub project, we focused on mapping, networking, education, best practice examples, and financing of socially beneficial/impact projects in the border regions of Slovakia and Austria.

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COMING UP: Social Business Forum

Once a year, you can participate in networking with experts through the Social Business Forum, addressing the most pressing topics of social economy in the border regions of Slovakia and Austria.


About SEED-Hub

SEED Hub was financially supported by 85% from the INTERREG V-A Slovakia-Austria program - a cooperation program of the European Union and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Project submitted: November 2019

Project start (SI): July 2020

Project duration (SI): July 2020 - October 2022

Project budget: €734,775.05

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The key role of the Sociálni Inovátori team was to map and conduct an audit of the ecosystem of social economy entities or solution providers in the field of social challenges, and to contribute to the support of social entrepreneurship and the creation of networks of social entrepreneurs in the regions of both countries, focusing on their economic sustainability.

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